Former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters spoke out recently about the upcoming 2016 US Presidential election. Expressing support for Democrat Bernie Sanders in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Waters took shots at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, while calling Sanders "the only person in the race that I see with any credibility". There is something scarily hawkish about her, and she has that politician look down of, 'You are never going to get a word of truth out of me.'" As for Waters' take on Sanders: "He seems to speak the truth, far as one can tell at this point. He seems prepared to stand up against big money and the banks and stand up for the predicaments of minorities, the middle class and the working class in this country."
While a citizen of the U.K., and therefore unable to vote in the election; Waters disagrees with the premise that the Democrats will lose if Sanders represents the party in the general election due to his radical ideology. "It is true that people become marginalized if their politics appear too far to the left," Waters admitted. "That is why I admire Sanders. When he speaks the truth, he sounds very left-wing, but that is because we have been fed this right-wing bullshit by the whole of the mainstream media since the Second World War. And it has gotten worse and worse and worse, and the outlets for dissenting voices have become fewer and fewer. So he is bound to sound out of step, because he is! And that is what is so good about him."
In perhaps the most interesting tidbit from the Rolling Stone piece, he explained why he is opposed to Hillary Clinton becoming the first female US President. The outspoken singer / songwriter noted of Barack Obama's former Secretary of State: "a far better alternative than any of the Republican candidates by a long, long way," but added "I have an awful worry that she might become the first woman president to drop a fucking nuclear bomb on somebody. Waters has also been critical of current Repulican front-runner Donald Trump, who he said is "pig-ignorant and he always was and he always will be. In another interview with Rolling Stone, the singer said of Trump's campaign for President: "It's American exceptionalism gone crazy and delivered under the umbrella of absolute ignorance."