Billy Corgan has decided he's fed up with the album concept. "I was never comfortable with the album format," Corgan said in a statement. "It always felt so forced and was obviously an economic decision made by others and not an artistic decision made by creators. It can be draining to try to record 15 songs over a six-month period." Corgan's answer: to release the new 44 - track Smashing Pumpkins project, "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope", one song at a time as free downloads. "No strings attached, no e-mail address need be given, no fees, nothing, totally free," he says. "A 44-song free-for-all!" The collection will eventually be available for purchase in the form of eleven 4-song EPs. "I thought it would emphasize that each song is really important to me," Corgan says, "and also try to get myself up to the speed of a world that is absolutely devouring information."