At Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, Austrian Gay TV star "Bruno" was to present the award for Best Male Performance. He was flown above the crowd on wires in an angel costume. When he ran into some sort of obstacle, he flipped around, exposing his almost bare rear-end; then was lowered into the crowd. He landed in the lap of rapper Eminem, who had performed earlier in the ceremony, bare cheeks right in the rapper's face. Eminem was livid, and his entourage immediately pulled Bruno off of him. Eminem then headed for the exit, posse in tow. Watch the clip below.
-- Edited by newsbot on Tuesday 2nd of June 2009 12:35:10 PM
For a guy who makes fun of SO many people, he sure seems to be lacking a sense of humor. In the other video you can hear him tell his bodyguards to get him the fuck off of him. There needs to be a picture made of Eminem with Cohen's balls right in front of his face.
egg on our face. the whole thing was stage. Some mtv writer says that eminem and bruno went over everything in dress rehearsal. bruno's first choice was Paris Hilton, but she turned it down. who says em doesn't have a sense of humor?