97.1 The Eagle in Dallas, Tx Here is the press release
"Get your groupies lined up and ready to go, because you could be going from your garage to Ozz! Send your band entries to the address below to get qualified for an official, old-fashioned Battle Of The Bands! Yes, your band will compete with the best of the Metroplex for a spot on the opening stage of the only U.S. date for Ozzfest! Yes, you, will have roadies, you will find new groupies, yes, you will be on stage in front of rock's best fans! Do we need to scream this? You and your band opening at Ozzfest!
Get your stuff together and send it to:
MP3 entries to: direland@aeglive.com
Or your CD entries to:
AEGLive c/o David Ireland 3001 Maple Ave. Suite 201 Dallas, TX 75201
All entries need to be received by close of business on July 19, 2008. NO exceptions.