Members of Gwar were stunned Wednesday morning when they found their guitarist, Corey Smoot, dead as they prepared to cross the Candian border for a run of performances up North. Smoot, aka Flattus Maximus, was 34. The band's frontman, Dave "Oderus Urungus" Brockie, issued the following statement:
"It is with a sense of profound loss and tragedy that the members of GWAR must announce the passing of their long time guitarist and beloved friend Cory Smoot, also known to thousands of metal fans worldwide as Flattus Maximus. Cory was found deceased this morning as the band prepared for a border crossing. There is no word as to the cause of death and the members of GWAR are completely shocked and devastated that this has occurred."
There were no details offered on Smoot's cause of death, and no decision has been made on Gwar's plans for the future.