The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is reportedly considering filing criminal charges against rapper The Game for an alleged prank he pulled off with his Twitter account. The rapper posteed a Tweet Friday afternoon telling fans that he was starting a contest to award one fan the opportunity to become an intern; with the number to a Compton sheriff's emergency line. The flood of calls tied up the department's phone lines for several hours.
"This was beyond irresponsible," sheriff's Capt. Mike Parker told the LA Times. "The deputies' ability to answer the phones and dispatch personnel to help these people in danger was significantly impeded."
Authorities are reportedly considering misdemeanor charges against the rapper, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, as the incident caused sheriffs to be delayed in responding to several emergency calls including a missing person case, two robberies and a stolen car.
Taylor, meanwhile, claimed that the phone number was posted by accident, then later blamed it on somebody named Demetrius, Tweeting: "@wackstar hacked my Twitter earlier..... Arrest him police... He is to blame. #TellinOnYouDemetrius." Later, the rapper actually seemed to taunt the authorities, Tweeting "Yall can track a tweet down but cant solve murders ! Dat was an accident but maybe now yall can actually do yall job !!!! [sic]"